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By purchasing, you agree to receive relevant communication from Raise a Dream Training & Consulting Inc. (Raise a Dream) and agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy (scroll down for links). You can unsubscribe at any time.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee: From landing media interviews, in-kind sponsorship, cash sponsorship, collaborations with influencers, discounts through partnering, and developing new business systems and processes/templates that save you tons of time and thousands of dollars, we’ve seen the short and long-term wins our clients achieve with our approach to sponsorship and collaboration, so we know our method works. That said, it’s your serious and consistently applied effort that will achieve the results, so this Raise a Dream program includes the following 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If, for the duration of the minimum 3-month mentoring commitment, you fully participate in and apply our mentoring strategies (by attending private calls, completing and tracking homework from prior calls, and submitting requested information), complete the Big Dream Primer (demonstrating you have attempted the powerful exercises and homework), and ask questions in our Insiders' Group or to us directly, we KNOW this approach will change your business in a positive way.

If you have done all of this and you don’t feel that you received tremendous value from your investment, that you didn't discover an insider's edge to making a big impact through collaboration and sponsorship, then let us know before the end of the 3rd month. Collaboration is central to our approach. We will first work with you, investing additional coaching time at no cost to you to help you overcome any potential obstacles that may be hindering your success. If you apply the additional coaching strategies and you STILL feel you have not achieved the results you desire, then you will receive a complete refund of your 3-month investment (and the program resources are yours to keep).

Our goal and brand’s purpose is to help you raise your dream, and if you’re willing to build relationships using the methods we stand behind, we are 100% confident you will reach the new heights you seek.

If you have any questions, please connect with us at

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($7965.00)$7965.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $2655.00)3x $2655.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Sponsorship Magnet Mentoring (CAD)$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xSponsorship Magnet Mentoring (CAD)$0

All prices in CAD

The Clear Path to Your Next Best Action
Hop on a sponsorship strategy call with Charmaine Hammond so you can:
  • With mentoring, you'll receive four 60-minute calls per month over 3 months (16 calls in total) with Charmaine (dates and times to be arranged once you've watched Sponsorship Essentials). All calls will be recorded and you'll receive follow-up support and nudges when you need them. At the mentoring level, you can invite your colleagues and team members to the calls.
  • Extend your circle of influence and connections through our network as needed (e.g. connections to media and speaking opportunities, recommended contractors and service providers, introductions to potential clients and strategic partnerships).
  • Receive intense personal support between calls, including reviews and feedback on the actions and documents you’re working on (e.g. sponsorship website copy, social media channel reviews, sponsor information docs, press releases, letters to sponsors, etc.).
  • Access effective sample copy and documents to use towards creation of your own sponsorship documents and needs.
  • Access a shared Google Drive where we upload resources and tracking documents so that we can review your updates and progress.
  • Receive our Sponsorship Essentials 45-minute training video teaching you the fundamentals of our 7-step sponsorship model so that you come to the call prepared.
  • Enjoy membership to our signature Big Dream Primer program. This 7-part online training is filled with content, expertise, actionable strategies, and tools you can start using right away. Each module includes a training video (Mp4) and audio (Mp3), action steps, downloads, and done-for-you templates to put your plan into action. (Value: $197 USD)
  • Move forward confidently with suggested resources and action steps you'll receive by email following the call.
  • Access our private Facebook Insiders group where you'll continue to receive valuable support, resources, and connections.
